Train with FM Online

Fitness Major's online program designs are set for those looking to build confidence, self esteem, stamina and  improve sleep habits, stress management, fitness application and nutrition structure. Following this you will have direction or know how to execute for desired goal. I've design a progressive plan based on your specific needs, goals and limitations.

The work out program is typically a 12 week design which I walk you through step by step. We chat online via zoom or phone based off needs. The training days are structured around your schedule and desired outcome. 

Guides are provided to help learn and grow in our journey together. You have tons of support and solutions to address the pressing concerns you have along the way. 

This the 12 week flagship program. The full breakdown to walk you through the steps are presented prior to starting this journey. 


Think of me as your GPS navigator. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. To book a call contact us.

Thank you for your interest. But it can't stop here. You must take the next step to book a call. 


Owner of Fitness Major

Change Begins with You!